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Toddlers and Ice Skating

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Toddlers and Ice Skating Empty Toddlers and Ice Skating

Post by tamarielpaints Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:46 pm

I live 4 blocks away from an outdoor ice rink. My husband and I both own skates. I've been ice skating since before I can remember, but I've never really had formal lessons.
My 2.5 year old daughter (she's been walking well since 12 months) has recently been expressing an interest in our ice skates. She's my oldest so I've never done this before, but I vaguely remember my mother strapping me into a snow suit and a pair of double blades. Has anyone taught a young child recently how to skate? I wouldn't buy used skates for a more experienced skater, but I'm assuming used skates are ok for a beginner, right? Do I want the double or single blade? I learned with doubles, but I noticed online that people are saying to go for the single blade? Advice would be most helpful!!

Number of posts : 637
Registration date : 2010-12-07


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Toddlers and Ice Skating Empty Re: Toddlers and Ice Skating

Post by 1HappyNut Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:12 am

I remember hearing that I learned to skate before I could walk. Not sure how accurate or true that is, but my husband and I both skate and wanted our daughter to learn early as well. What I vaguely remember when we were planning to start (when she was a toddler as well) was that it can be detrimental to their ankle strength to put them on to skates too early (especially single blades, but even doubles). I'm hazy on details but I remember being surprised, and thinking of how it's just another thing like how seatbelts weren't mandatory when I was a child either, that shows how times have changed! And I'm not that old.

I can't remember when exactly we started her skating though... Maybe at 4? (Not that old, my arse! What's wrong with my memory then? She's only 10!). Sorry I can't be more help. Sounds silly, but maybe get the okay from the doc and then go forth with confidence...?

This is what I could find at first glance, which really isn't much:
How to Teach Kids to Ice Skate

Have fun!! Outdoor rinks are wonderful!!

Number of posts : 632
Age : 47
Location : British Columbia
Registration date : 2011-06-02

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Toddlers and Ice Skating Empty Re: Toddlers and Ice Skating

Post by artyfacesbyluz Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:19 am

I don't skate, I never learned, It is something I've been so frustrated about, but I took my daughter to have classes at the skating ring, It took 2 classes for her to learn, they have special beginner skates for little kids, I think she should have some lessons (in your house if your floor isn't carpet) before the ice, ice is a little more difficult surface to skate.

Number of posts : 956
Age : 54
Location : Tampa Fl
Registration date : 2011-02-22


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Toddlers and Ice Skating Empty Re: Toddlers and Ice Skating

Post by fesspenter Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:34 am

I broke my neck ice skating when I was 15, so the idea of skating terrified me. Then, when my oldest daughter Madison was 4, I suddenly realized that I lived in Canada, and she should learn to skate. I ACCIDENTLY SIGNED HER UP FOR PARENT/TOT SKATING LESSONS! I bought a helmet and tried on used skates whilst wearing said helmet (in case I fell off the bench in the store). I was scared. On the first day of lessons, I put on Madison's helmet, elbow and knee pads over her one piece snow suit, then her skates. I put on my helmet first (in case I fell off the bench) and my skates. I turned around to look at Madison and she was struggling to take off her snowsuit to reveal her sparkly shirt underneath. She wanted to skate "just like the figure skaters on TV", sparkly outfit and definitely NO snow suit. I told her that while she looked beautiful, the skaters on TV all started off in a one piece snowsuit, much like she had on now. Um, you can't argue with a 4 year old. They know it all. I told her she could stay in the dressing room, looking beautiful, or she could come out onto the ice with Mommy. I left the dressing room, pushing the sleeping 2 year old Darcy in the stroller. I stepped onto the ice. My heart was pounding so hard. I was scared I was going to die. I had no saliva left in my mouth. Realistically, I do not remember the skating accident at 15. They gave me drugs. I don't remember any pain. I shouldn't have had this feeling like I was going to die. I started to skate around George Bell Arena, looking for a dark place to die. There are no dark places on the ice surface of a skating arena. Madison finally joined me on the ice. Pushing sleeping Darcy around in her stroller gave me stability. AND, I DIDN'T DIE!
When it was Darcy's turn to learn to skate, at 3 years old, I was pushing Holland around on the ice in a stroller. When Holland was learning to skate at 2.5 years old, I did not have a baby in a stroller to push around on the ice. I had to learn to skate. My helmet protected my head. I rarely fell on my helmet. I would have one big bruise on my butt, just fading, and I would get another.
When Darcy was 4, she was learning to play hockey with the boys. We all would play shinney hockey on our local outdoor rink.
All three girls played on the same starter league, on the same line.

I began to play hockey on a women's hockey league. I got an assist during my first game. Too bad it was for the other team! And, I didn't die!

Our girls all began in used skates. Single blades. They all learned to fall down first, then they learned how to get up. Then, they learned to skate. They all began skating while wearing hockey helmets with cages over their faces, as did I as an adult.

I would never have gotten back on skates, if it weren't for my daughters. I never told them how afraid I was, until they were in their teens. I didn't want them to be fearful of skating. They have taken to skating like ducks take to water. The skating lessons involved games like "What Time Is It Mr. Wolf" and "Follow The Leader". The girls didn't know they were learning to skate because they were playing and having fun.
Have a blast! I know I have had fun on the ice. Our outdoor rink opens in two weeks, if the weather cooperates. I am looking forward to getting my skates back on for another winter season at 51 years old.
Happy Skating!

Number of posts : 3352
Age : 64
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2011-04-29


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Toddlers and Ice Skating Empty Re: Toddlers and Ice Skating

Post by Psalmbook Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:15 pm

As a parent of a bunch of kids all raised in FL I'm at a loss for how to help you. It actually saddens me that my kids never learned to ice skate Sad
They did learn to rollerblade.

Number of posts : 7642
Location : JAX, FL
Registration date : 2010-03-09


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