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Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Sweet Loretta
Ashley Pickin
Perry Noia
Mandi from Tazzie
Mehndi Masala
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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Tue May 03, 2011 7:58 pm

OMGoodness. I thought I was pretty good at painting til I discovered this whole new world. I am feeling very intimidated, humbled and wondering if anyone else goes through that? What did or are you doing to push through that? I am choosing to take it all as inspiration to improve but I have a lot further to go than I thought I did. What a Face I am struggling that's for sure. But before I spend any more money I should probably hold off on trying to build a business when my work is so amateur compared to you ladies and gents. Am I alone in feeling this way?


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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Mehndi Masala Tue May 03, 2011 8:18 pm

Nope! Still feel like a noob, but being here and being supported helps me to push through and realize that all levels of talent are encouraged here and it helps me to strive to be better knowing people are cheering me on!

Most of the time I feel like I'm waiting for everyone to figure out I'm a fraud and they were so mistaken and that I actually am awful! Then my DH gives me a figurative slap upside the head and tells me I'm good, I'm loved and gosh darn it, people like me!! LOL
(see old saturday nite live skit)

Srsly, I am convinced that most artists secretly think they suck and strive to do better because they are always inspired by others and hoping to reach 'that' level of talent.....'that' being whatever level they are looking at at that moment that they feel *may* be reachable someday!

But in the moment, the only thing I'm thinking of is how much I love doing it!

Last edited by Mehndi Masala on Wed May 04, 2011 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mehndi Masala
Mehndi Masala

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Tash Tue May 03, 2011 8:43 pm

I kinda get what you mean - it can be very intimidating looking at others artworks and thinking I'll never be that good.....
but I never thought I was a good artist... just a bit arty, so I was pleasently surprised at how good I seemed to be at face painting..... like I had found my niche.
It's important to note that I now look back at things I did a yea ago that I thought was really good at the time.... and now they suck royaly. I can't even look at some of them at all. I have been at this nearly two years and my work has gotten better in huge leaps and bounds with out me even noticing sometimes.
I have also met some other painters that have been painting for over 5 yrs and they suck... ( shhh don't tell them that... hehe) but they do.... so there is the whole 'natural talent' issue... you either have it or you don't...
our lovely Kim above me definately has it..... some of us have to work a bit harder at it - that's all.
Your work is lovely and in comparison to what some people think is acceptable to produce at fairs - it's bloody awesome..... but compared to Pashur, or Mark Reid.... well let's just say..... you shouldn't ever compare your work to the greats...
I'm sure there are people that compare their work to yours and wish they could paint like that... or friends or family who think what you do is simply amazing - and the best they have seen, so pay attention to them, they are the mum and average jo's that will hire you!
Soooooooooo many people tell me I am the best they have ever seen..... I know there are uncountable people better then me.... but what they don't know won't hurt them now will it? Wink

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by tanyamaldo119 Tue May 03, 2011 8:48 pm

We are always our worst critics. Judging by your avatar pic, you have nothing to worry about. You can only get better in time, not worse.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by eva Tue May 03, 2011 9:16 pm

I still feel that way. But let me give you some advise from personal experience.
1. Don't let a couple bad gigs deter you
2. Practice Practice Practice
3. The members here will give you honest critiques if you ask...so do, don't be afraid that they will think you suck, they won't, they will help you get better. Every person here started where you are, no one just magically picked up a brush and was a pro...at least I think
4. You will spend more trying to redo a cheap setup in the long run, than buying quality things in the beginning. So if it can be helped make the investment, I have thrown too much money away.
5. Even if you just buy small amounts or one of each (of course when you can afford it), try a couple different brands. I love Snaz because it's what I learned to use first, but it really broadens your options to try different colors.
6. and you are doing really good by your profile pics. Like Tash said, every year, for some a month, you will look back and see how much you have grown.
Shannon posted on the your first face topic a photo showing four different skull face in a time progression. It really helped me realize that she has worked hard to get where she is and it takes time. I think her work is amazing, but she once was a beginner face painter too. (No offense Shannon). You should check that topic out. I think it will help with your fears...

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by eva Tue May 03, 2011 9:18 pm

Oh and btw...don't hold off on your business. Pick a couple faces practice them alot and use those for your gigs until you get better.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by anramire2 Tue May 03, 2011 9:21 pm

ohh you are not alone. I struggle with this feeling everytime I grab my paints. It took me forever to ever post anything to the forum because I feel so intimidated.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Tue May 03, 2011 9:32 pm

Kim, you can't be serious! You are soooo amazing and one of my biggest intimidators! K..nuff said and I will consider my ever widening butt "kicked" back to reality. I won't feel so low anymore or I will sure re-direct my thoughts when they go that way.

Tash, Tanya, Eva and Angela..thank you. I very much appreciate true critisism and critique and prefer brutal honesty to candy-coated lip service any day of the week. The encouragment means more than I can say. Dare I post some of my attempts today? Yikes..maybe I will just file them under "in training" and next to the circular file (aka garbage) just in case. ROFL


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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Mandi from Tazzie Tue May 03, 2011 9:54 pm

Mehndi Masala wrote:Nope! Most of the time I feel like I'm waiting for everyone to figure out I'm a fraud and they were so mistaken and that I actually am awful!
lol! Gosh that's how I feel. I've been looking at starting a drawing class & that is the exact feeling I have going into the class. It amazes me that you feel that way about yourself we really are our own worst critiques. Kim you are a HUGE inspiration to so many here I'm sure, but especially to me, as I said in another thread one day I will feel brave enough to try one of your designs.

Basically I think each & every one of us has or has had that feeling at some stage. I feel it so often, I even pulled my entry in this month's challenge cause I didn't think it was good enough. pale
Mandi from Tazzie
Mandi from Tazzie

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Tra Tue May 03, 2011 10:38 pm

i used to think i was pretty good till i came here and saw what a true artist is...the things i did that i thought were cool now they seem to be something a lil kid would do...lol...i get all these ideas in my head and as soon as i get a brush in my hand im like uhhhhhhh yea ummm how was i gonna do that again???? its like thinkin your not that heavy kinda average then look in the mirror and go holy crap!

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Tue May 03, 2011 10:41 pm

ROFL! You got it Tra and gave me a good chuckle while you were at it.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Criss Tue May 03, 2011 10:57 pm

Do it because you love it

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Tue May 03, 2011 11:11 pm

Thanks Criss. Great advice and I most definitely love and feel such a sense of "completeness" when I paint. It feeds my soul and makes people happy...win-win. Now if only I had even half the talent that I see on here. I will work on that for sure but thanks for reminding me why I decided to invest in good paints. Very Happy You all rock!

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Perry Noia Tue May 03, 2011 11:25 pm

When I first started, I thought I was pretty good!..... Then I came here and thought, well I'm just a clown who face paints and I'll never be close to the level of these painters. Now I look back at my beginning stuff and think, eeew! I was really horrid, but I am happy with how far I have come. I'm certainly no Angie Anders or LoneWolf, but I'm doing ok for a clown who doesn't really practise much outside of gigs.

We all start somewhere and it is an ongoing learning process. You'll always be looking back at your old stuff with contempt and always wishing you could be as good as someone else, but it's ok, because it's all better than the kid's mom could do for them with halloween makeup, so you're worth it. Smile
Perry Noia
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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by michellesfantasyfaces Wed May 04, 2011 8:21 am

there will always be people better than you and always worse..Wink

I love to paint..I love colours and it makes me happy...it also makes the people happy i paint..so..win-win!

I just do what I like and it seems other people like it...and if they don't..I don't really care..most of the times I'm my worst critic and see every 'fault'..

no mistakes can be made in painting..you can just say that you meant it that way!

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Wed May 04, 2011 8:33 am

Thank you. Smile I hate to say this but I was pretty "cocky" about my facepainting up until I came here. I am now humbled. That is a very good thing because that makes me want to do better instead of feel worse. It'll teach me for being cocky though...sigh...again. I am definitely amateur hour in comparison but you are right Michelle. If I am happy about what I produce and the wear-er is happy, then I am still doing my job. Up til I found you all, I was oh so proud. ROFL I promise to learn and grow as an artist now that I know what good and great really is. I "owe" you all big time!

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by tanyamaldo119 Wed May 04, 2011 9:14 am

You know what might make you feel better, looking at this thread http://www.facepaintforum.com/t201-post-your-first-picture

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Ashley Pickin Wed May 04, 2011 12:30 pm

I'm pretty sure that we all think that we secretly suck when compared to someone else... you should really only compare yourself to your last best piece and move on from there...

though, let's be honest, none of us do that! lol.

Don't worry, just do the best you can and enjoy it!
Ashley Pickin
Ashley Pickin

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Mehndi Masala Wed May 04, 2011 12:35 pm

Need a 'like' button....
Mehndi Masala
Mehndi Masala

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Ashley Pickin Wed May 04, 2011 1:28 pm

Mehndi Masala wrote:Need a 'like' button....

haha, I think that pretty much all of the time on this thing.. I think that the thread would be a lot shorter if we could do that as well!
Ashley Pickin
Ashley Pickin

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Psalmbook Wed May 04, 2011 1:53 pm

There's a big difference in what face painters paint for day to day & what they paint for creative fun. If the kids are happy at the end of the day, who cares if your teardrops are perfect? Remember, we post only what we love & usually don't photograph our worst(are you seeing any Darth Vaders on here from me:-)
If you love face painting, don't hold off, just practice & enjoy it! Have fun!
I know I'll never be the best, but I also know I'm not the worst. I'm ok w/ that!

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by JBax Wed May 04, 2011 4:20 pm

Yeah, what they said... I'm always comparing my work to someone else that inspires me, and falling short. That being said, hanging out around here improved my work by leaps and bounds.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by Gr8ful Wed May 04, 2011 6:28 pm

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the feedback. Very Happy

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by wmeventservices Wed May 04, 2011 10:52 pm

I agree with everyone else and also have struggled and still struggle with the same issue. The only thing that helps me out is going back to the extremely cliche, but valid advice that my mom drilled into me while growing up.

"No one will ever be like you. You are uniquely your own and no one can take that from you unless you willingly give it to them. Be proud of who you are and forget about the rest."

When it comes to painting, I will never paint just like Mark Reid, but I will always paint like Whitney Myers. Lol! I think an important part of our journey as artists is learning to love our own work just because it's ours. It's a battle for me and there are ton of things I paint that I absolutely hate, but every now and then, I get that piece that reminds me why I can't stop painting.

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Feeling very intimidated by your talent Empty Re: Feeling very intimidated by your talent

Post by barbb919 Thu May 05, 2011 12:02 am

well said Whitney

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