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Art Lessons??

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Art Lessons?? Empty Art Lessons??

Post by LaLaLaura Fri May 23, 2014 1:49 am

It seems a lot of face and body painters have experience with other mediums so I'm wondering if you think art lessons would be helpful to a new painter?
There's an upcoming "Intro to Oil" workshop in a local studio that's going to be conducted by a very talented local artist. His paintings look like photographs! Like I said in my introduction, I've always enjoyed drawing a little but I've never painted. I contacted the artist and explained why I'd be taking the class and he said that although a good deal of what he's going to cover is specific to oil and he's not familiar with body paint, he's seen body art and he thinks I'd benefit from learning different brushstrokes and other techniques. The workshop is 12 hours total, spread over the course of 4 weeks and costs $145.00.
From the face painter's point of view, do you think I'd benefit? It's a good chunk of change to drop but if it helps me improve, I'm all for it. I don't think I have what would be considered natural talent. All thoughts are welcome. Thanks!!


Number of posts : 45
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2014-05-22

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by TheGildedCat Fri May 23, 2014 2:05 am

Face paint works more like a creamy acrylic than oil, but learning how to use a brush properly is one of the most troublesome learning curves for newbies. Any class that teaches you brush skills, blending, color theory, highlighting/shadowing, etc are going to improve your skills as a face painter.

If you'd really like to take this class because you want to learn oils, do it! It sounds like fun.

If you're taking it just to learn the skills to improve your facepainting, I'd rather you save up a little more an sink that money into a workshop with a good quality face paint instructor (they tour around the country and it usually runs $75-150), or buy a year of FABATv ($295? pricey, but worth it. Also available month to month at $30).

Number of posts : 1577
Age : 43
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Registration date : 2010-09-06


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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by LaLaLaura Fri May 23, 2014 2:21 am

I'd love to take instruction from a face painter. I tried contacting the ONE active painter I my area but she didn't respond. Pretty sure I scared her off with offering to do festivals together, looking out for each other's clients while the other one is booked, etc. It was a genuine request to learn and form a future working relationship, but I think I came on too strong lol.
Anyway how do I find painters who tour? I've been checking their personal websites, for example, Mark Reid's site seems to be inactive for a couple of years. How do I reach out or just find out where they're going to be? Thanks!


Number of posts : 45
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2014-05-22

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by LaLaLaura Fri May 23, 2014 2:23 am

Oh I forgot to say I'm a FabaTV subscriber and I wish I'd known about FABAIC sooner. It's too late for me to organize a trip down there.


Number of posts : 45
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2014-05-22

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by Forest-Fairy Fri May 23, 2014 2:40 am

The artist you contacted is correct. Oil painting technique is pretty specialized, mostly you have to know how to work with the paint itself. An oil painting class wouldn't be my first choice for painting lessons to apply to face painting.

Try picking up a few book on water color, and basic painting strokes. Most of us are fans of 'one stroke' painting because it's fast easy, and you can buy one stroke rainbow cakes. Donna Dewberry is pretty much the queen of all things one stroke. She has tons of books out for sale, and video clips on you tube. Google one stroke painting and have a look at a few videos.

Another good one for me growing up was Bob Ross 'The Joy of Painting' you can get these on DVD, or there are some on youtube. 
This awesome remix will give you an idea of this show

"There are no mistakes, only happy accidents."

Hmmm also there are other face painters on youtube
Like LisaJoyYoung and don't forget [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg47QOdTpGRExD-ucAkmI1Q]Jacana Face Paint [/url] known on the forum here as FairyFox.

That should help get you started.

Don't forget to get yourself some good brushes. Low Cornell are a favorite among face painters, and also Gold Grip and many others.

You shouldn't need to spend any money on class's with the internet at your finger tips. Watch and learn and practice practice practice!!!

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2014-03-13


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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by TheGildedCat Fri May 23, 2014 3:43 am

LaLaLaura wrote:Anyway how do I find painters who tour?

These guys-n-gals tend to be more active on facebook than their websites. They're usually posting tour schedules pretty regularly there. I can't speak highly enough about a class with an instructor. They're usually under 10 people, though I'm sure that varies by location, and it's nearly one-on-one support. I do love FABATv, but there's nothing like Mark Reid looming over your shoulder telling you your linework needs to be sharper, hah.

I've taken classes with Pashur, Mark Reid, Brian Wolfe, Jay Bautista, Dutch, Kerry Ann DePetro (sp?), and a few others. I also have done a few conventions. FABAIC was grand, but there were often a 100 or more painters in a classroom - no way to see anything the painters were doing up close unless you elbowed your way to the front, which plenty of people tried to do. The bonus of the big conventions is the jam time where you get interact with everyone and watch them work out of their kit. Small conventions are better for the group classes (IMO).

The bonus was that after a single class or two and learning some killer techniques, I was able to pay for all the rest of the classes and my entire trip to FABAIC on my FP profit. Everyone learns differently, so rather than listen to me tell you what to do, figure out what style of learning works best and dig in.

Which neck of the woods are you in?

Number of posts : 1577
Age : 43
Location : Portland, OR
Registration date : 2010-09-06


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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by LaLaLaura Fri May 23, 2014 12:02 pm

Thanks for the reply! Jeez, the list of people you've trained with is super impressive! After some consideration, I've decided to skip the oil workshop. I'm not at all interested in oil painting, I'm just looking for any kind of helpful instruction.
Can you tell me if there's a site where I can find these smaller conventions? I'll definitely start following my fave artists on Facebook and try to make their classes. I appreciate the heads up regarding their internet activity. In fact, anything else you can tell me, I'd love to hear it.
It might sound crazy, but I've invested a pretty good amount of money in the last couple weeks in paint,(DFX essentials and metallics, random Tag colors, Paradise silver and gold, Wolfe white and black, various splits and rainbows) and a few different sets of brushes, (Mark Reid, Gold Grip, American Painter #'s 0-8 round, all of Donna Dewberry's flats, filberts, chisel, fan, rake, deer toe, flora, 18/0 liner in various brands and a Paradise Prisma) gold liquid bling, a practice head and Ben Nye and Starblends pallets. I also bought Donna Dewberry's Essential One Stroke Painting Reference and some FolkArt acrylics so I don't waste my face paint while learning one stroke. And some stuff for glitter tattoos for good measure. I've done a ton of research so I think I've made some pretty good decisions, although I now wish I'd gone with build your own pallets instead of buying colors individually.
The point is, I'm taking this seriously. I fully believe in only getting out what you're willing to put in so I'm putting it all in. I've subscribed to FabaTV and watch classes over and over. I paint at least four hours a day because if I'm going to turn this into a job, I need to treat it like one. The rest of my day is filled with watching classes that are far beyond my skill level in hopes of picking up anything I can. Now I also have the forum to study so that's awesome.
I listed my supplies to let everyone who may read this know what I'm working with and how serious I am about learning. If anyone takes the time (thanks ForestFairy!) to type a response, not only is it appreciated, the direction will actually be applied. As fun as this is, right now it's all business for me. I gave up a lucrative career so my husband could start his own business and I'm determined to cut a path for myself doing something I enjoy, as well. I'm willing to invest time and capitol in order to learn and I want to learn from the best in anyway I can. So I'd love a small convention, big convention, group class, one on one, whatever it takes. Knowing there's a convention going on relatively close to me and not being there, well, every time I think about it I have to push it from my mind.
Well, there's my entire life story lol. Sorry about the length, I just need all the help I can get and don't have much shame in asking. I'm grateful to have found this forum and for all the people in this community who're so willing to help a newcomer out. The spirit of sharing and generosity among you has been one of the motivating factors in my decision to pursue this as a career. So thanks! Any and all thoughts and advice, please!!  Very Happy 


Number of posts : 45
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2014-05-22

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by fairyfox Fri May 23, 2014 7:43 pm

Welcome (my real name is Laura too, and Laura Oliver rocks the fp world, so you are in good company!)
It sounds like you already passed the oil class, but here are my thoughts:
When I first started a fellow face painter asked if I had instruction in art, and was wondering if it would be helpful- Years later I took an oil class and a watercolor class. Now I am looking at a $300 watercolor workshop. I think where you are first starting out, the gilded cat is right on, learn to face paint paint from face painters! But . . . Down the road, I am amazed at how much I am learning from these other classes that let me change and make my face paintings more intense- techniques that aren't commonly taught to face painters. Most face painters carve their own path- and that is pretty special because it makes each of our paths unique. My biggest piece of advice is to get practice on real kids, preferably that are strangers. Watch a few fabatv episodes and then get out there and practice "in the real world" #1 you will have the opportunity to make a little tip $ to buy more paint (using acrylics to learn onestroke, I wouldn't- you want experience with your medium, stick with the real deal)
#2 you can hand out cards that might turn into work.
#3 This is a small, but big deal. If you surround yourself by work that is better than yours- yes you can always learn, but it can be hard on your confidence. I guarantee no matter how many times you watch Mark Reid paint a cat, it will probably be a long time before you can replicate it. If you paint with Mark on Faba as your audience- the self critique can be tough, if you paint with Local Mom as your audience, you may get tip, praise, a chance to explain a little about who you are  and what you do- all things you need to practice to be a business painter.
Good Luck on your journey- there is no one you are trying to catch up to. Take your time and enjoy it. Keep taking pictures so you can watch your own progress.
**Tread lightly in working with local painters, it is threatening and intimidating to have a new painter ask you questions, because you work in the same market. Always be kind and maybe someday you will work with her= but respect that she might be nervous. Drama damages everyone!

Good Luck and Welcome to the world of Face Painting.

Number of posts : 351
Registration date : 2011-04-22


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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by LaLaLaura Sat May 24, 2014 1:18 am

Thanks, fairyfox! I'm going to make a new post because I found another very active painter, asked her for lessons and she told me where she's painting in the morning and said to come up and see her! I'm excited and nervous! I'm posting in hopes of getting more advice specifically geared toward what's coming, however, thank you for ALL your advice! And you're right, my designs aren't going to compare to their for a long time and it can get discouraging. I'm constantly reminiscing myself that I'm new and it's going to take time and that helps. My friends are pretty supportive as well, thank goodness! Haha. Ok, I don't have much time.
Thanks again, Laura! (Awesome name!)


Number of posts : 45
Location : South Carolina
Registration date : 2014-05-22

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by vanesachris89 Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:20 am

i am really fascinated painting and would really like to learn how to speed paint myself. I was wondering if anyone has tips on how to learn to do so. I have some drawing and digital painting experience, but not a lot.


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Registration date : 2014-06-06

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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by fesspenter Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:15 pm

Dear LaLaLaura:
While I am classically trained as a oil portrait artist...these skills have only helped a little...and in very specific applications for face painting. One of the best face painters I have ever worked with (Buttercup, on this Forum), claims to be unable to make sense out of a stick figure.
Face painting is about whimsy. Portraiture is about "who is this, and what do I see?"
If I had it to do all over again...I would have invested less money in every wild colour of paint, and I would have practiced more. I would have taken a workshop earlier in my face painting adventure than I have.
Practice your teardrops, line work, scrolls, swirls, starbursts, and dots.
I told myself that when our youngest is in university, I would go back to portraiture. I don't know if I can ever stop face painting now. I am addicted.

Happy Painting!

Number of posts : 3352
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Art Lessons?? Empty Re: Art Lessons??

Post by JJJJJ Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:21 pm

It's funny - I never picked up a paintbrush before I began face painting. I did some drawing, pencil art, etc. But never a liquid medium. Now, whenever I get the time (oh, when will that be???), I am wanting to give a try to some painted art on paper. It will be weird, though, because the paper will not be wiggling, chewing gum, scrunching its eyes tight, nor looking up at me with a big beautiful grin when I am done. Nor will the paper's parents hand me ten dollars! Smile Smile Smile 


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