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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options. Empty Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

Post by Smiletime Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:45 am

Our school is in the process of raising the funds for a new playground. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get my foot in the door in the district. I thought if I could set up a tent at all home football games and basketball games, I would donate a portion of my proceeds to the playground fund. The only problem is, the woman in charge wants some potential numbers to take to the board, and I have only ever done 1 small fundraiser for 2 hours. They want to know potentially how much money could be made. It is a large school and the games are always totally packed with kids. Does anyone have any experience with something like this and have some ballpark figures I can give them. She really wants to do this but she needs board approval. I was thinking that in addition to the painting funds, I would also put out a donation jar and all proceeds from that would go directly to the fund. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this look attractive to the school board? I thought that one of the main attactions would be that they do not have to send home things to sell to all the parents, if they want to get painted, they do. I would really be the only one involved. It isn't going to make a huge amount of money, but it will help.

Number of posts : 257
Location : Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-07-21


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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options. Empty Re: Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

Post by Luvs to paint Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:57 am

Maybe they would agree to let you paint at a game to see what the potential is and take it from there. A "Trial Run." If it works out good, it could be profitable for you both. Every event has the potential for success or not. You can never guarantee you'll get good tips or that people will want to wait in line rather than go quickly to find a good seat prior to the game.

Luvs to paint
Luvs to paint

Number of posts : 726
Location : MS Gulf Coast
Registration date : 2011-02-11

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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options. Empty Re: Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

Post by Guest Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:57 am

What you can do is take the number of faces you can paint per hour X the rate you charge per face X the number of hours you will be painting. That is the only possible estimate you can provide. With no guarantees as you have no idea of the traffic you will get.

Tips cannot be put in the equation as you cannot estimate how many people will bother. It is an extra, but not a set amount.


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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options. Empty Re: Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

Post by Smiletime Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:33 pm

Thanks....that is kind of what I have in mind. I would make my board simple to maximize the potential traffic. I hope that the fact that it does not cost them any money or effort will be the selling factor.

Number of posts : 257
Location : Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-07-21


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Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options. Empty Re: Help Please!!! I need some info on fundraiser options.

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