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I got kicked out of a restraunte

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Becky521 Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:28 am

Tash wrote:Sorry - are you in Australia - is this Victoria in OZ?

I disagree with alot of comments here. I spent over 15yrs working in Hospitality and this whole - you should have done what you are told is bullsh*t - this isn't kindergarten - you are a customer and just as important as the people..."

Whew, glad I wasn't the only one who thought the manager was being a jerk!

Number of posts : 438
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Location : East Norriton, PA
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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by livethedream Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:22 am

Whilst yes the manager was a jerk I will be apologies ing purely for the protection of my business as many have said word of mouth is either yr friend or yr enemy

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by LoriSamson Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:32 pm

I would be going back to speak to the manager and offer an appology but..... I'd have a few well planned questions for them. I run from confrontation and I'm not one to start an arguement but... right is right and wrong is wrong. You weren't doing anything wrong except stepping on their misplaced pride and them abusing their authority.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Tash Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:15 pm

it's occurred to me there is some small town mentality against some big city mentality here. Me - I'm big city - so one run in with a restaurant manager wouldn't have me bat an eyelid... if you are in a small town I can understand this whole - you may have burnt bridges here - but hang on...... how would this guy even know you are in business let alone your business name or anything. In my experience it is the owners who hire you not management.
I would be writing to headoffice - if this is a franchise restaurant then I'm sure they would be interested to hear the kick a family out with kids on the kids birthday and why.
If you got drunk and roudy - sure appoligise..... if you swore at him.... sure appoligise your face off..... but really what are you apologizing for?

You didn't go into there to sneakily make money off their customers. You never offered anyone even a free face paint.... it was a private party and the other customers should have been told as much. This manager does not know how to do his job.
Yeah me the unpopular again - I would report him rather then appoligise to him... that's just me.
Once again I must ask what country you are in - because obviously things here in OZ are very different to the USA - here we like to live and let live - you would have to be naked and dancing on the tables to get kicked out of somewhere here.....
The more I think about it the more I wonder what sort of people would have complained?
Much more likely the OTHER face painter thought she may have been replaced for a second and went to cause a stink - and the ignorant manager decided to get rid of you rather then dealing with the people/person who had the problem rather like this " I'm sorry Sir/Mam, but they are having a private party just for themselves tonight - they have brought their own face painter with them - BUT if you would like to come back on WEDNESDAY ( or whatever day) you can have all your kids face painted by our in house painter - she's here every week! Thank-you for your understanding".
Now tell me I'm crazy - what was so hard about that????

I have re-read a lot of these posts including Tilly's and Lady Jade's as I am usually in agreement with these fine ladies - but I will be darned if I can work out why you would think it is ok to kick a family out with kids for a little bit of face paint. It just seems like we all took a trip to crazy town - I'm glad I don't live there!
Tell them they need a sign saying - NO shirt No shoes or If you face paint NO SERVICE!

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Criss Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:05 pm

I absolutely agree with Tash. You did nothing wrong? How were you disruptive? Because somebody wanted what you had? That's an insane premise. Would you have been kicked out for reading a news paper, for studying, for doing a crossword? Perhaps the guy across the room is put out because you finished the crossword before he did and he wants you kicked out?

I would have politely responded to the manager that this was personal and had nothing to do with his other patrons or staff and your paints, having kept the area immaculately tidy, would be put away when you were finished.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by LoriSamson Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:15 pm

Chris and Tash.... I agree whole hearted with you. This is what I discussed with my husband over dinner tonight, at the restaurant I paint at every wed night. We talked with one of the managers and asked what he thought about it and he said the same thing as Tash, contact corporate. The gig I do on Wed nights is a chain and the manager said he'd get fired if he treated a customer like that. I have been there when customers have drank too much and got rawdy and I asked how drunk they are allowed to get before they can ask them to leave. He can request nicely and cut them off but not "KICK" them out. The only arguement we could think of, is how heated did it get when you were asked to leave? But, should you be asked to leave just because you, as a customer, get rude? Answer.... you'd have to kick out a large portion of the population, because customers get rude all the time for various reasons and you don't kick them out! My vote is against the manager! I'd be getting a big apology from him along with a few free meals for the triplets! My husband said he'd call the news station becuase of the recent scandle of the woman who got arrested for cheering at her daughters graduation (because they were asked to hold the applause till the end).

No it's really not different here in the US. We have moments of stupidity like everyone else in the world!

Number of posts : 154
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Location : Flagstaff, Arizona
Registration date : 2012-01-04


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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by livethedream Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:08 am

I am in Melbourne Australia the resturante knew my name and business because we were frequent customers and I had asked in the past as to weather they. Had a face painter our not

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by shellig Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:45 pm

Thank you Tash. If you were there in a paid capacity and not a friend, permission should have been asked but as part of the group? I was going to suggest going out to the car and painting but then thought, really, WHY. I do not see how this is any more disruptive than other things that happen all the time... the guy having a rude conversation in the next booth and dropping curse words... which I can do NOTHING about... the family that comes with presents for a birthday at a regular table (which my family has done)... the kid throwing food at the next table... and I know I got some in my hair, etc. I agree, contact the owner or corporate.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Walela Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:13 pm

I am from a very small town in rural Georgia, USA everyone knows everyone else's business here and hard feelings are not easily overlooked. Most people around here go out of their way to avoid conflict.

That being said, I would not apologize to the manager. I would either go to him to see if he would offer to make amends, if he did not I would not hesitate to complain to the owner about the treatment your family received in the restaurant. It was inexcusable for him to ask your family to leave.


Number of posts : 53
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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by HillbillyDiva1 Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:54 pm

I have worked for a company for over 20 years that sets the high standers in customer service. Disney tours our park every year to see how we do it.At the very least that manager would have been demoted.Your not charging, doing other kids or making a mess and you still have your shirt and shoes on. In the service industry the customer is always right except when it's 1 customer against another then you need to find the diplomatic way. We currently have designated smoking areas outside for our guests that smoke so they are not smoking everywhere and offending nonsmokers. Sometimes a nonsmoker wonders into a smoking area and complains. We give them a map if they don't have one already and show them ways around the smoking areas. Everyone is happy that way and win-win is the way customer service should be. Now if it's a safety issue that's a whole other story.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by LoriSamson Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:24 am


Keep us posted as to what happened. We have all been following this thread and would love to hear about the outcome. We are on your side and wish you the best! This has certainly been the talk around my house this week!


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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by CottonKandyClown Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:56 am

Mixed feelings here, too.

Some places allow other brands of food into their place, but some don't. I've seen plenty of McDonald's food in a chinese restaurant! LOL Although, most movie places won't allow it.

I think it should have been handled better from both sides. You should've told them it was a gift and they should have been more understanding. Still can't believe they actually kicked you out for something so small! LOL It's not like you were drunk and overly loud Rolling Eyes Just sounds like the other painter got her panties in a twist and used the manager to do their dirty work Evil or Very Mad Not cool! Unprofessional on their side!

I've never asked the birthday parents to ask if it's ok at the place of event! Ack! Shocked They are usually paying or renting the spot so I just assumed anything goes(normal things). scratch Although, none of the places were just at a table in the regular dining area. tongue


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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by livethedream Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:21 am

Sorry I have taken so long to update between gigs and crashing my car I haven't had a chance
But long story short I spoke to manager he gave me a full refund for our meals that night and a voucher for another nights meal because of the kids cake. He also apologies saying he felt put upon by there regular painter whom was just a diner that evening as her contract she had with them ment extreme exclusivity for her no other face painter regardless as to weather she was there or not and he was worryed that because she requested I was removed what would happen if he didn't do it. He has since along with resturante owner ended her contract as they feel her attitude was not good for business.

He also said a few other diner voiced there opinions about making a bunch of kids and there guests leave ( I can only imagine what was said)

I have also been asked to come paint once a month on there family night
So excited bout that yippee!

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by martha Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:48 am

Glad it worked out for you.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Becky521 Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:23 am

WOW! See that! This is why I'm trying to figure out how to handle the church that offered free face painting across the street from my vendor booth where I'm trying to do my thing to make a living. I don't want to burn any bridges with the church/chamber of commerce and come across as trying force anyone out, but at the same time, how can my $5-$10 faces compete with FREE? Sigh. The way the original family night painter handled the situation was horrible. How awesome that they offered you her job after the way she treated everyone! WTG!

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by LoriSamson Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:50 pm

That is so awesome how it turned out! Then to get her job! I'm glad for you and wish you the best with your new venture.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Kat's FacesForFun Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:14 pm

My blood was totally boiling as I was reading the managers' explanation. The other painter asked for you to be removed?! seriously?! grow up lady!! This is the best outcome ever!!!
Kat's FacesForFun
Kat's FacesForFun

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by HillbillyDiva1 Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:30 pm

I don't want to burn any bridges with the church/chamber of commerce and come across as trying force anyone out, but at the same time, how can my $5-$10 faces compete with FREE? Sigh. [quote]

Chamber's of Commerce are suppose to be for businesses that's why commerce is in the name. Businesses are their bread and butter not non-profits. Ask them if they would put a free hot dog stand across from a paying restaurant vender? The should say no then ask them why their doing that exact thing to you.

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Sweet Loretta Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:22 pm

I guess I have to be the opposing voice here, but a contract was "won" at the expense of another painter. That's just bad blood now between you. She had a right to ask that you not paint in her venue. As for asking you to be removed, while the manger says it was that way, you first note he was not so nice. He had control over his establishment, it was his choice to ask you to leave. What's her take?

Once you knew there was another painter you should have sought her out and explained that you were there painting friends, not trying to show your wares to perhaps take her gig. But now you have taken her gig. So perhaps she was right to be concerned to begin with. I don't mane to rain on your parade, as she too should have come direct to you rather than sought out the manager.

Perhaps, as it seems to me you've both lost opportunity.

I am dealing with a somewhat like situation in which a new part-time painter complained to a festival where I have worked many more years than she. She complained because after going down to meet her I pointed out she was using photos for her display from books we all know. Again I just went to meet her, her display came up in a round about way. Had it not I would not have even mentioned her display. I then mentioned in our area we jam, and have classes and she should network with us. (Classes with the same people's who's work she was using illegally). I blogged about it as I think the festival should have done better. My blog focus was on the event organization not her. Her complaints have hurt my business. Her goal clearly.

After 10+ years full time in this industry, having taught and hosted many classes, jams and a competition/convention, people know me. While it may have been biting to her to have her display pointed out, she was not harassed. But I certainly feel that way now. This is what I do full time, it is not as for her something on the side. Had she instead taken me up on networking she would have found she had more business, more opportunities instead of one simple festival.

So for she and I not the best outcome. And not the best outcome for you. Wins are done solely on your own hard work and when it is win-win for everyone. I hope you will seek out the other painter and build a good neighbor fence. But I think it is you who owes the first foot forward.
Sweet Loretta
Sweet Loretta

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I got kicked out of a restraunte - Page 2 Empty Re: I got kicked out of a restraunte

Post by Peachymango Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:22 am

Exactly Tash. My thoughts.

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