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Ugh... Working pro bono...

Shelley Bellefontaine
Perry Noia
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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by goofydoodler Mon May 21, 2012 4:25 pm

I have had this problem so many times, where people say that they'd love a face-painter but they were hoping I would work only for tips or work totally for free with my tips going toward the charity or organization. I worked two events for free in the last few months: one at a local elementary school and one at my boyfriend's church. Now, I am constantly getting offers about working things for free or just for tips. I wouldn't have a problem with this if it wasn't for how all-over-the-place tips can be. I've made 88 dollars in tips before, while yesterday, at a car show I was hired for, I made 12. UGH!

Recently, someone was really impressed with my work at the church event and got in contact with someone who was involved with the local soccer league. She was trying to put together this huge shindig for the end of the spring season/beginning of the summer season that lasts from 9-4 (a literal all-day event). After offering to work from 11-4 at 25.00 an hour, she didn't respond. The guy that referred me emailed me and said that she hadn't responded because she was hoping I would do it for only tips or, if i got paid, that I would donate that money back to the cause (why she couldn't have emailed me is beyond me). After he was rude and she refused to get back to me about negotiations, I finally emailed them both and said "with the cost of supplies, time, and travel, I can't work this event."

How do you all handle this type of thing with grace?
How do you turn down organizations without being a complete... jerk about it?
Do you still do free events? How do you judge which organizations get your time and effort pro bono and which ones you ask for payment?

Number of posts : 58
Age : 30
Location : On a mountain
Registration date : 2011-07-26


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by OtterGirl Mon May 21, 2012 4:40 pm

I get this A LOT too. I tell people that I only have so many pro bono slots a year (usually 2 or 3) and that they need to approach me early to get them. They were taken by March this year. Now when people call, I say they can book me for next year if they want, but I am full for this year. Then I offer them my discount rate (which I use at my discretion if I really believe in a cause) of $50/hour. It's the same rate I offer for military. If I'm hard up for business and could use the exposure, sometimes I'll do it for $40/hour.

Sometimes I tell them I'll paint if they let me charge per face and then give them back a percentage of the profits (usually 10% up to $100--depending on sales). Lastly, if they really seem hard up and I want to help, I offer to do simple balloon animals for free instead. They are much cheaper than paint and the kids are still pretty happy.

Number of posts : 272
Age : 44
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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by rharris524 Mon May 21, 2012 7:15 pm

I do what Melissa does pretty much. I have two charities that I feel strongly about and do those two events for free. Otherwise, I offer $50 per hour if it is a legitimate charity and it isn't cutting into regular gigs. Also, I offer to PPF and they get to keep anything over $50 per hour...but I've never been taken up on this offer.

Number of posts : 86
Location : Miami, FL
Registration date : 2011-07-21


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 8:04 pm

You are not being a jerk when you tell people you do not work for "free". You are a business person and they are the jerks.

When people send me emails requesting me to jump at the chance to work for nothing for THEIR benefit I simply send them my standard response with my rates and availability.

If it is something I don't mind supporting I offer them my discretionary discount which is 4 hours for the price of 3.25. That's as far as I go. They can take it or leave it. For less time they have to pay full price.

They can charge people for face painting to recoup or make money, doesn't matter to me. If I want to support a group I will make a cash donation and skip working my tush off without covering my own costs.

I have bills to pay and am not in a position to give away my time and supplies.

There is no reason to feel guilty nor pressured to work for free aka volunteer if you don't want to.


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Perry Noia Mon May 21, 2012 8:23 pm

I've said it before and I'll say it again, "all a free gig gets you is another free gig."

I have ONE charity that I do for free a year, not because I expect publicity or tips or anything, just because that is my charity. Everyone else pays. Not tips, PAYS. This is my answer and I don't negotiate, take it or I've got full price customers to serve:

I would love to help you with your fundraising efforts! At this time, the only charity event that I provide services to for free is the "Returns for Leukemia" events in May that benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. While I am unable to donate my time and materials for free (there are just too many fantastic causes that I want to support), I have worked out two different options for charity events:

Pay Per Face (raising money for you): I will appear at your event to do face painting while charging my standard "pay per face" rates to the patrons of the event. At the end of the event 30% of the collected money benefits your group/charity and the rest covers my costs and materials.
Discounted Hourly (free for patrons): I can offer you a discounted hourly rate since it is a fundraiser. This would mean that my payment would come out of your budget, but you could choose to sell tickets for whatever price you choose to regain some of that cost.
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

Number of posts : 3523
Age : 44
Location : In my own little world... in Windsor, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-12-12


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Shelley Bellefontaine Mon May 21, 2012 9:06 pm

I really want to give Perry a cookie Very Happy She is right on the money so to speak. All charity events do ..is get you more people wanting you to work for free ...period. Both Shannon and Perry have given excellent responses .

I have even started telling people asking me to work for free, that " this is what I do for a living , like any other small business , I have expenses, including my supplies:), there for I need to charge for my services"

I actually like the others have a long standard reply , sometimes they never get back to me, and sometimes I get hired , because I have been able to make them understand that they are dealing with a professional Very Happy

I use to feel guilty, but not any more . There really is a lack of respect and understanding from the public for what we do. How many hairdressers ever get asked to work on a Saturday afternoon and give 100 free haircuts...because they will get great exposure!!!

I actually don't get as many free requests as I use too, I think the word is out that I don't work for free.... and there are PLENTY of silly twits in my area who do!
Shelley Bellefontaine
Shelley Bellefontaine

Number of posts : 236
Location : Kingston Ontario
Registration date : 2009-05-05


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Perry Noia Mon May 21, 2012 9:29 pm

As long as it's a Gluten Free cookie, I'll take it!! Very Happy
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

Number of posts : 3523
Age : 44
Location : In my own little world... in Windsor, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-12-12


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by bemusedart Mon May 21, 2012 9:55 pm

I work for free only for my daughter's school and church. And I am done working for the school for free. I do work an open stage event for tips, but it is the sort of thing I can do or not depending on my schedule, and the folks are mostly armature carni folks who let me practice what I want on their faces. And I am not sure that I will be able to do those any more either now that my daughter is taking Krav Maga that night.
I will do discounted rates for friends. I am working a party that my daughter's god mother is throwing her sister and kids since they are moving away. But even for her I asked for enough to cover my cost of paint and gas.

Number of posts : 136
Location : Garland, TX
Registration date : 2012-03-13


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Psalmbook Tue May 22, 2012 10:40 am

I'd love a brand new 2012 car, but I don't want to pay for it, can't afford it.... Can you just give it to me Razz

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Location : JAX, FL
Registration date : 2010-03-09


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Shelley Bellefontaine Tue May 22, 2012 11:11 am

I need some new furniture , I wonder if i went to the Brick ( large furniture company in Canada) and asked then if they could donate a living room suite, I'll let every one know who gave it to me, it'll get them great exposure Very Happy
Shelley Bellefontaine
Shelley Bellefontaine

Number of posts : 236
Location : Kingston Ontario
Registration date : 2009-05-05


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Perry Noia Tue May 22, 2012 11:34 am

Oh! While we're at it, I'd do some incredible advertising for ReMax if they gave me a brand new house!! I mean, I'd stitch a patch with their logo on my costume and everything!!
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

Number of posts : 3523
Age : 44
Location : In my own little world... in Windsor, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-12-12


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Post by tamarielpaints Tue May 22, 2012 5:15 pm

Ohhh Perry, you are so right! I want a new house! Do you think that homesellers will donate if I promise to include their names in a size 12 font blurb in my brochure?

Number of posts : 637
Registration date : 2010-12-07


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Psalmbook Wed May 23, 2012 7:46 am

Hay, If they give me a new house I'll tattoo their logo on my *#@** Very Happy

Number of posts : 7642
Location : JAX, FL
Registration date : 2010-03-09


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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Perry Noia Wed May 23, 2012 7:54 am

But no one would see it there (we hope!) Shocked
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

Number of posts : 3523
Age : 44
Location : In my own little world... in Windsor, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-12-12


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Post by JBM Wed May 23, 2012 8:13 am

I actually got a paid job out of a freebie request recently. I spent ages wording a polite reply to her email request explaining that as a small business owner and a single mum I was in no position to support all the fantastic charities that approach me wanting face painting and then included my rates and then offered a slightly discounted charity rate (it is 5 mins from home and I wasn't booked that day). And she booked me at a paid rate. I rarely offer the pay per face option to charities - too risky if there aren't many kids there. I'll only do ppf at big festivals with guaranteed returns.
Ugh... Working pro bono... 40791610

Number of posts : 629
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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by alezmata Wed May 23, 2012 10:16 am

I want to share the experience of being transformed through face painting with every child that comes my way. I have soooo much fun and when I am asked to discount my rates, I almost do because I love painting! Then I hear Perry Noia whispering in my ear, "Face Painting is a luxury...." I tell my self, I am running a business that supports what I love, my time, skill and materials are valuable. My rates are more than reasonable and shame on the people who are asking me to work for free, they certainly do not work for free. If you are on board with the charity and want to volunteer your time, have them purchase the supplies, it will be a big wake up call, $20 flat brushes, $13 split cakes, and the list goes on....

Number of posts : 59
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Post by alezmata Wed May 23, 2012 10:20 am

Pssst. I would like to add,

Thank you Perry Noia, a thread you posted on about a topic similar to this one has helped me so much in being able to decide on rates. When someone values you and your work, they will not complain about your rates.

Number of posts : 59
Location : California
Registration date : 2011-08-26

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Ugh... Working pro bono... Empty Re: Ugh... Working pro bono...

Post by Perry Noia Wed May 23, 2012 10:33 am

I love you I love you I love you
hehehe glad to help
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

Number of posts : 3523
Age : 44
Location : In my own little world... in Windsor, Ontario
Registration date : 2008-12-12


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