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unoriginal - age - merry-go-rounds - and more bent thoughts

Perry Noia
Tilly - Formerly Punky
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Post by ablissfulaffair Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:42 am

really really enjoyed the read!!!! Good stuff!!! When you get around to doing your website....what the heck are you worried about? Just write the way you write....it will really catch attention (shows so much personality)...people like personality Wink
Your work will speak for itself. You will do GREAT!!!! "JUST DO IT!"
Glad to hear you got your cards (temporary or not)....as long as people have a way of contacting you.
oh and by the way....would definitely read stuff you'll publish on day!!! Wink

Number of posts : 409
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Post by IamGinaW Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:29 pm

Ok, I gave up on reading ALL of the replies (I've got 2 girls running in with water balloons to tie and begging for me to help them with stuff), so forgive me if any of this has been said before...

1. I agree with the rest - forget about perfection for now, you can always keep working on your business cards and your website!! JUST DO IT! I started with a canned graphic from vistaprint and basic information on my cards. I started with a quickie blogspot website (because it was quick and free - I just posted some photos) Now (it's only been about 6 months) I have full color postcard brochures, brochure holders, full color business cards *darn, have to order more* with removal instructions on the back, a website, a facebook fan page with a "vanity name" and a craigslist ad. ...all with my new website address on them. It's always a work in progress! Start with what you have to work with just to get something out there, and improve as you go.

2. Confidence: I think it takes a long time for most of us to be able to come up with original stuff. Don't forget that even the greatest artists of all time have been infulenced by others that came before them!! Don't compare yourself to the people here on this forum. This is a very small, elite group of very talented and mostly way more experienced people. I think part of everyone's growth as an artist is to start by trying to emulate other great artists first and THEN developing your own style. Instead, compare yourself to what most people out there think of face painting. Look at the first Klutz face painting book (simple rainbows, hearts, etc.) Look at this video:
THAT is what most people expect from a face painter! You are already leaps and bounds beyond what most "face painters" do!! VALUE YOUR TALENT AND ABILITIES!!!...that means you need to teach your family to value it too! ...and that means you need to have a work space for yourself and decent tools. Well, you don't need to go hog-wild and by every pretty thing you see, but you do need quality tools.

...um, I numbered them because I thought I had more than 2 points but now I can't remember any more so I'll just come back with another post if I remember. LOL

Number of posts : 1626
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Registration date : 2010-09-15


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Post by anramire2 Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:24 pm

kat wrote:
I kid you not, I read that part of this post to Mark... the FIRST thing he did was arch his brow... I ought to glue it whilst he's sleeping one night with Elmer's and convince him that it did indeed FREEZE that way! *L*
OMG should you decided to glue his brow....please please take a pic and share Razz

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Post by maggie Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:40 pm

Riana, I like the idea of compromising with 80%, I am never totally happy with what I do I always think that isn't good enough and I can do better.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be definitely applying this to face painting, name logo, website, and everything else I do.

Kat, just check out your website, IT IS UP AND RUNNING GIRL!!!!!! Is that you on the faces and more? yay, finally get to see what you look like Wink I have a little suggestion on the booking/rate page, it is a little distracting because of the words are aligned different ways in different parts, other than that I think it looks great! Congrats for getting it done Smile

Number of posts : 2677
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Post by Ruth Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:30 pm

Kat, great read. Take all this excellent advise, have faith in ur self and just do it. I know u can. Good luck to u.

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Post by Perry Noia Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:46 pm

you could just paint an eyebrow raised so he won't have to go to the trouble LOL
Perry Noia
Perry Noia

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Post by Terina Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:09 pm

Hey I just got to read your post....You are hilarious! I just looked at your Website and it is nice. You are already an artist....do you really need that much practice? I think your stuff is great. I guess you are wanting to go for time maybe when you practice? To see how quick you can go? I know it can't be for quality! Your stuff is great.

So, I still want to change all of my stuff around. I think that is a natural thing. You do what you can. Take the business at whatever pace that you want. There is no set rule that says you have to have this and that done by xyz time. Try not to stress too much as it will suck the joy and fun for you out of this kind of work.

As far as pictures go, I hardly EVER remember to take them. But sometimes I do and then my batteries are dead in the camera LOL! And BTW tell your hubby I agree with the brush thing. I totally LOVE buying them.

Did you get your cards made yet?

Number of posts : 616
Age : 49
Location : Knoxville,TN
Registration date : 2010-09-27


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Post by maggie Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:55 pm

Hey Kat, if you haven't ordered your cards vista print is offering 250 cards for free. sign up for their e-mails, I get at least 3 to 4 emails a week with specials.

Number of posts : 2677
Age : 52
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Post by Terina Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:11 pm

I just got like 2000 cards for $30 or something from there.

Number of posts : 616
Age : 49
Location : Knoxville,TN
Registration date : 2010-09-27


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Post by maggie Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:17 pm

Wow! Now that's a bargain Smile

Number of posts : 2677
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Post by kat Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:16 pm


Last edited by kat on Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 618
Location : East TN
Registration date : 2010-12-27


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Post by kat Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:19 pm

Michelle G.
Thanks, Michelle!
I truly enjoy making people smile!

I once told my Dr about my proclivity for late night writing.
I joked that when I felt that I was writing most profound, I feared that in truth I was at my most profane.
Oddly enough, he didn't laugh - he looked at me for a moment and then asked if I wanted to see a therapist. blink
Doctors... .sniff

These last three days have been spent taking care of my Grandmother.. she's been ill. I haven't had a chance to follow through on the cards.. I'm going to do so tomorrow night!

I do have a site... it's just not ready... I also have a facebook page.. but it's for my family... I'd really like it if I could have another... just for face painting friends... family too.. if they want... I didn't want to inundate them with face/body painting.. (others posting) .. I seldom post.. I think I've posted once in the last two months. *L*

Hi, fellow project person!
I don't know how signs affect things.. but, I'm a Gemini.
My basement is FULL of project stuff.. ugh.. I'm a pack rat!

I hear ya' about the brushes!
I am trying to collect enough so that I can change brushes with each person if I wish... and want enough for several hours (if I ever get hired to do such an event) ,... I've been hitting the craft stores when brushes are 50% off!

I live in a small town as well... relatively speaking.
I haven't been to any events thus far (still brand-spankin' new at this)... I suppose being OCD makes me feel that I need all my ducks in a row before stepping out into the face painting world. twitch ... I AM going to try to 'go with the flow' as everyone has suggested... having a feeling that "go with the flow" will be a much chanted mantra as I try to change old habits....

I wish you all the best in your endeavors!
I've loved every moment of face painting thus far!


Hey, do you hear voices too?
just kiddin'...

no - really, I am... *w*

Wow... a clown?
Kudos for going for something your want!
Best of luck to you!!!!

I've found a plethora of information here... as well as meeting incredible people who are so generous in their support!

Hang on to your horse, CrazyPainter - it looks as if we're in for one heck of a ride!

Number of posts : 618
Location : East TN
Registration date : 2010-12-27


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Post by kat Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:50 pm

Gloria - a blissful affair, hey there!

Thanks so much!
I've started it.. someone told me that they saw it.. *L*
I thought that only I could see it.. I thought that when I was hitting "publish" that it was publishing it to the site.. not to the web!

sheesh... I'm going to have to dig through controls and figure this thing out!

Again, thank you. sincerely
As I said above, I hadn't ordered yet... I am my Grandmother's caregiver/POA... and she's been ill... 45 minutes away... I also have a child.. and work part-time... eeeeeh! BUT, I promised myself that after school, after the derby race (scouts), after dinner, and after putting my son to bed... I AM going to place my order!

It's so funny.. (in a wonderfully nice way) that people have mentioned reading something I'd write... I am in the middle of writing a book prompted by my son.... it's not really funny, per se... it's more informative... about everyday things.... He's ADHD and is high functioning (most wouldn't recognize it in him) Aspergers (autism).... if I ever get it finished, I'll post a link here... I'm working on it at lulu.com, which is a neat place to self publish...

By the way.. I don't know if I mentioned it or not in the post that you posted the other day... (I was using my iPod.. I hate typing on that thing) and saw your purple tribal... FANTASTIC! And, what a cutie you've got!!!


Gina W, thanks!
I am going to try vistaprint, I think... having read that there's a special going just now.. there's so MANY places to chose from.. I had no idea!

I paid for a domain.. but am using a free website... until I see if this thing is going to get off the ground...
What great ideas! reading what you've been doing to advertise

I keep reminding myself that I bought my first paints a couple of months ago... smiles to myself as I read further
Gina, wonderful advice - thank you. It's easy to lose one's perspective (meaning ME) when I see all the talent here... thank you.

I'm going to print out the part about the workspace thing and show it to Mark... (except the part about going hog wild - ahem)

and - if Mark throws up that I've already taken over the basement.. well...



yard sale, anyone?!?

Truly - I wish to thank EVERYONE ..... each response makes me smile from deep within... the kind words, humor, support, shared experiences.... well... I'm overwhelmed...

Thank you, Gina!


anramire2 - laughing SO MUCH
I told him about saying that.. BUT _ I didn't tell him about Perry Noia saying that I should paint a brow on... dark eyed sparkle

Surly - if I can paint his toes without waking him up , I can paint his brow?

Perry Noia, THANK YOU!
I've laughed SO HARD just thinkin' about painting his eyebrow... oh... ya'll can't KNOW what that poor man has suffered through....
Sometimes, I almost feel sorry for him.

almost...................................... heh


maggie, I didn't know.. laughing.. how sad is that?!?
I thought I was publishing to the site!!! I'm never, EVER going to tell anyone in my family... and don't ya'll tell on me either!


No, that's my sister... thank you, though... I'm a little (ahem) heavier than she... and 11 years older.. aged smile

I'll change that.. I see what you mean. After I get it up and going, would you give it a look-see and let me know what other changes need to be made?

Thank you!


Number of posts : 618
Location : East TN
Registration date : 2010-12-27


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Post by kat Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:02 am

Ruth, thank you!!

And you!
everyone's been so generous with their knowledge... I feel incredibly fortunate to have found this place...


Terina, thanks!

Again, thank you. I'm still trying to get everything on the site... I am reading everyone else's sites.. trying to figure out what I need to put on mine... oy, vey!

I think I need to practice... so many of the things I do, I've only done once (on others)... it's usually just me and my arm (and thigh)... which doesn't give me a good estimate of how long it would take to paint others... nor a fair judgment of how it is to work on a face versus a flat, for the most part a non-wiggling arm to work on.
Thanks so much... I've not been 'under the gun' so to speak... so, I don't know how I would perform in that situation... which is why I want to practice so much
I will say that I've gone through several packs of paint... *L*...

Thank you... that's good advice! I *do* want this to be something I enjoy doing versus feeling like I *have* to do it...

I'm going to make them tomorrow evening (pointing towards prior posts)... my time is often not mine... so, I've gotten behind in what I wished to accomplish...


maggie and Terina, thanks for the heads up about vistaprint.. that's who I've finally decided to go with!


Number of posts : 618
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Post by Terina Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:14 am

Kathy...you sound very busy! Hope that your Grandmother is doing better....and you know, one time when we head up towards Pigeon Forge then I am going to write you and see if you will meet me for lunch or something. I would like to meet you in person since we are so close....well, I think that Pigeon Forge is close to Morristown? Isn't it?

I think my son may have ADHD, I have been researching it for a while, and so many things seem like it. We have an appt coming up soon. I talked with our Doctor about it last time but chose not to medicate him just yet. I just want to make sure that is what it truly is...so, been reading a lot on what is it Pdd-nos I think where they fit several symptoms. It is over my head a little LOL!


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Post by BarbieSmith Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:18 pm

Gotprint.com - 2,500 cards with color on *both* sides for $25 or so (gloss). No coupon needed.

I just did this. No excuses, go do it now!!!! Do it now, then over the next months you can revamp it as you decide what you like, and do not like, and can add your website. At least get your email address and phone number and a BUNCH of photos of your work on it!!!

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Post by Terina Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:22 am

No excuses, go do it now!!!! Do it now, then over the next months you can revamp it as you decide what you like, and do not like, and can add your website.

That is so true...I still get my "original" cards that I first ordered. I thought of ordering different and new ones. But, I did add my email address on them. That is important. You can change them to ones you like better later on.

Number of posts : 616
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Post by terntam Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:54 pm

OMG. Kat, I sooooo feel everything you're saying!! I am in the exact same boat!! Ready to get out, but not sure how!! Sometimes nice to know you're not alone, although i don't have any answers, sorry! Embarassed Hopefully with more practice and time on this forum we will all feel more comfortable and ready to get out there and just go for it!! As for the age thing, unfortunately we can't take the time back!! I wish!! The support and experience of this forum is amazing though!! I really struggle with the whole originality thing, also. It really bothers me that I don't have "my own" designs. I don't feel like a true artist sometimes.

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Post by kat Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:03 pm


I'm terribly sorry for the delay!
I JUST (call me crazy AND embarrassed) figured out how to find my old posts! I'm NOT very observant.... Rolling Eyes

I'd love to get together some time!
I'm about an hour from PF....

I'm going to send a mail to your mailroom about your son. *S*

I finally MADE some cards until I could order some... I couldn't find any that I liked locally.. so, thought, what the heck.... and made them myself!


Thank you, Barbi... They have great prices!!


terntam -

I'm glad that I'm not alone! grin

I think this is one of those times when you can't just stick your toe in to acclimate yourself... you've got to JUMP in and get totally wet!

Not having an identity does bother me... quite a bit, actually. Hopefully, with time, we'll both find our niche!

Best wishes to you and MUCH success!

Number of posts : 618
Location : East TN
Registration date : 2010-12-27


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