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Need some fast face ideas

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Need some fast face ideas Empty Need some fast face ideas

Post by CABBYJ Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:02 pm

I have an event coming up for a corporate picnic, looking at 30-50 kids in 2 hours. Originally I was going to do glitter tats, but changing my mind (gotta love a customer that lets u do your thing Very Happy ). I'm looking for some super quick design ideas. I have a helper who can do the basics (butterfly/tiger/names), but I need some ideas on simplifying my main board. So far I've come up with the following:

Small 1 eye butterfly
Quick tiger eye
Monster brow
Quick eye design

Anymore ideas? Photos?

Number of posts : 329
Age : 43
Location : MILWAUKEE
Registration date : 2009-07-29


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Need some fast face ideas Empty Re: Need some fast face ideas

Post by CottonKandyClown Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:18 pm

Do you have any stencils? I've got a few that are great to sponge on using a split cake and then add some white and black to make it pop Smile

Flowers or blooms on the side of the face around the eye. I also do a tree with cherry blossoms blowing across the face Smile

Spiderweb on the side of the eye with a spider

arty cake snake

Here are a few fast faces that take 1-2 minutes or less Very Happy
Need some fast face ideas IMG_8658
Need some fast face ideas IMG_8681
Need some fast face ideas IMG_9307
Need some fast face ideas IMG_9312
Need some fast face ideas IMG_9377

Number of posts : 1109
Location : Williamson, WV
Registration date : 2010-06-25

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Need some fast face ideas Empty Re: Need some fast face ideas

Post by Tash Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:04 pm

snake and spider should probably be there as they are quickies... especially the snake as it can be done with a split in 30 secs.
I do a couple of rainbow variations.... rainbow with starbursts... rainbow with love hearts... rainbow with flowers.
I agree a dragon is heaps quick.
In your 'quick eye design" have you considered doing a spider man eye?
Boys like a tribal around their eye like Mike Tyson.
The girls are usually very happy with a rainbow, butterfly or eye design so I wouldn't worry to much about them.
Oh I know a lot of you guys in the USA find the pouncer balls with flames really popular and fast... they don't sell over here at all..... but the pouncer is great for catapillars and bubbles and the moon for batman, doing elmo on the littlies or basicly anything you need a perfect circle in 2 seconds for.

Number of posts : 1883
Age : 47
Location : Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2010-01-04


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