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World Balloon Covention

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World Balloon Covention Empty World Balloon Covention

Post by Beyond Visuals Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:50 pm

There's a balloon convention in Dallas, www.worldballoonconvention.com, that I'd really like to go to but it's $895 to register. That's a #### load of money. Do balloon conventions usually cost this much?
Beyond Visuals
Beyond Visuals

Number of posts : 68
Location : Texas
Registration date : 2009-09-04


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World Balloon Covention Empty Re: World Balloon Covention

Post by Metina Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:55 pm

They are pricey and I think you have to pay a small bit to each instructor as well.

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World Balloon Covention Empty Re: World Balloon Covention

Post by PatB Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:44 pm

That's not your run of the mill balloon convention. There are WONDERFUL instructors from both sides of balloons, but that one focuses more on the decor side than the twisting side.

Take a look at www.balloonconvention.com being held in Chicago the end of February. I've been to a couple of Twist and Shouts in the past. GREAT place to learn a LOT! Your head will SPIN!!!!! Registration is $225.

Unfortunately, my twisting days are over due to an acquired latex allergy from twisting. And I was just getting started! lol!

Number of posts : 229
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Location : Livonia, MI
Registration date : 2009-05-18

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