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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand Empty Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

Post by Schminkerlitzchen Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:07 pm

I´m using the ybody glue, but now I search for a glue that works well for freehand tattoos. I think the ybody is to thin to use it in a little bottle with fine tip.
What glue can I use and by in Germany maybe in the UK.

The ybody and also the german eulenspiegel is very expensive in big bottles.
So I search for a cheaper one that works well. ;-)


Number of posts : 72
Location : Germany- sorry for my english ;)
Registration date : 2011-07-21


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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand Empty Re: Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

Post by EileenF Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:20 am

I use glimmer glue. I dab some on a card and dip my freehand brushes in it. Smile

Number of posts : 105
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Location : Round Rock, TX
Registration date : 2012-03-26

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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand Empty Re: Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

Post by Schminkerlitzchen Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:48 pm

I will use a little bottle, but the ybody seems to thin, now i search for a thicker one, that work well and is available in germany or maby in great britain or the netherlands.
Whats about this prosaide glue? Does it work well and is it thicker than ybody glue?

Number of posts : 72
Location : Germany- sorry for my english ;)
Registration date : 2011-07-21


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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand Empty Re: Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

Post by Affordable Face Magic Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:01 pm

Bought my 1st glitter supplies @ FABAIC this year from American Body Art. Although I did get a small container w/brush of Prosaide glue for the stencils, my started kit included a plastic, screw-top jar of the glue for refills. At their booth, there was a woman doing free hand glitter, using a small amount of glue in a tiny container (I use a screw top bead container). Since the glue is transparent when dry, she added some wolfe blue face paint to it so you can see your design. She applies the glue with a paintbrush. I bought the paintbrushes. (#2 & #4 round) & the brush cleaner jar. This is for cleaning the brushes in 91% alcohol to remove the glue...a must have, either their's or devise your own.
Using this method (brushes/tinted glue/brush cleaning jar/91% alcolhol) I've been able to draw some nice glitter tatts. I think any glue would work, as long as you have enough to pour some in a little jar & tint it. Have fun!
Affordable Face Magic
Affordable Face Magic

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Location : Wellington, FL
Registration date : 2011-09-28


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Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand Empty Re: Searching for Glitter glue that work for freehand

Post by squiggle Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:47 pm

I use bottles with tips for freehand glue and a mixture of liquid pro-saide and cream pro-saide so that it's not too runny. I buy everything at hennacaravan.com

Number of posts : 787
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Registration date : 2009-11-11


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